Father Brian Spillane
Father Brian Spillane, born in around 1943, is a well known offender who allegedly sexually abused many students at St Stanislaus College (Stannies) in Bathurst, NSW which is run by the Order of the Vincentian Fathers.
Father Spillane was sentenced to at least nine years jail for sexual abuse at St Stanislaus College.
It is reported that Father Spillane abused many students at Stannies, spanning over three decades from 1974 till 1990. He was one of many other reported offenders who sexually abused students at St Stanislaus College. Father Spillane served at Stannies for a total of 19 years. From 1968 to 1978, as form master, dormitory master, teacher, dean of discipline, sports coach, and supervisor of the band and sports activities. Between 1979 and 1983, Father Spillane served at St Anthony’s parish in Marsfield, Sydney. Spillane returned to Stannies as school chaplain and Superior of the school from 1984 to 1991.
He also ministered the Mary Immaculate parish in Southport, Queensland in the early 1990s.
He has been charged and convicted of offences of child sexual abuse on male students at Stannies and also convicted for nine counts of indecent assault against three girls whom he had sexually abused while he was based in Marsfield, New South Wales in 1979.
The children at the Marsfield Vincentian parish were told to sit on Spillane’s lap when he was hearing Confession of the children.
Many of the complainants of sexual abuse at St Stanislaus college were boarders.
His earliest reported abuse allegedly occurred in 1964 in Sydney while he was a trainee with the Vincentian Order.
Moody Law is currently acting for a client who has made allegation of sexual abuse at the hands of Father Spillane and we have also acted for a number of victims in the past in their claims for compensation against the Vincentian Fathers. We invite former victims of Father Spillane to contact us to tell us confidentially what information they may have, and we will explain what options are available to help with these cases.
Call us or complete the confidential enquiry form below.