Charlton Boys’ Home (Ashfield)

In 1966, the Anglican Home Mission Society - also known as the Church of England Home Mission Society and part of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney - established the Charlton Boys’ Home in the inner-western Sydney suburb of Ashfield. Charlton Boy’s Home was originally located in Glebe and was then moved into a property known as the Milleewa Home for Boys which was originally managed by the Anglican Homes for Children Association and then transferred to the Anglican Home Mission Society.

Charlton Boy's’ Home main purpose was to provide accommodation, care and assistance for older youths who had been through the Children's Courts in New South Wales, and who were approaching, or at, working age. The Home was run by house parents and employed various other lay staff. By the late 1960s the Home house around 19 boys, eventually closing down in 1970.

In the last 15 years or so, many former residents of Home have made allegations of being sexually abused not just by the house parents and other staff, but also by the Home’s Chief Executive Officer, Ray Menzies.

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse also heard from numerous witnesses who made allegations of being sexually abused by house parents and other staff at the Home.

Moody Law has in the past and is still representing clients who have made allegations of being sexually and physically abused while they were placed by the State of NSW at Charlton Boys’ Home.

We invite former victims to tell us confidentially what information they may have, and we will explain what options are available to help with these cases.

Call us or complete the confidential enquiry form below.